
Externus: Path of the Solari Online Store

Created by Winterborn

Externus: Path of the Solari is a character-driven tactical RPG coming to PC and Xbox One. You can pre-order the game and purchase any merchandise from this Backerkit Store.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Character, New Demo Review, and New Achievement! JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 06:46:33 PM

Introducing Michael Keens...

When you're looking for support, you can do wrong than looking towards Michael Keens... or so you think. Some say he's a spiritual man while others say he's just spirited, but he does tend to be a devout follower to his religion and their beliefs. You can even catch him whispering to his god every now and then unless he's just talking to himself. Either way, Michael Keens is an ace on the battlefield as he uses his bow to aid the party in combat. Learn more about Michael Keens while playing Externus. 

Michael Keens Headshot Concept Art
Michael Keens Sketch Concepts
Michael Keens Color Concept Art

Review of our Pre-Alpha Demo

Games Hedge just released their preview for Externus with their write-up of playing the pre-alpha demo and they called it "The Next Best RPG In The Making"! That's a huge statement and one that our team is working hard to live up to. We are very proud of the work we have done on the game so far and we can't wait to show you more. The best is yet to come! You can read the piece here:

We Are So CLOSE!

We are so close to hitting our goal, we just hit over 66%! We appreciate your support so much and wouldn't be this far along without you! We still need help and we only have a few days left of the campaign, so please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, TWEET, RETWEET, and everything else you can do about Externus and help us get there! Thank you all!

Starting At LV1 and Nintendo Switch Updates!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 07:37:18 PM

Nintendo Switch Version 

We know a ton of people are waiting for it and we are planning for it. We have submitted to Nintendo and are confident we will be approved but they are backed up due to COVID-19, if you back the project you'll be able to CHOOSE THE SWITCH VERSION as your reward!

LV1 Gaming Interview

We recently did a long-form interview about the game and studio with the team over at LV1 Gaming and if you want to see a deep dive this is it, check it out here:

Milestone Progress

We've hit the halfway mark and are still pushing forward! We're gearing up for this last week of the Kickstarter and have hit 56% of our goal. The team is excited and thank you all for the success! We still need your help, so if you know anyone who can help back us even if it's just $5 we appreciate any help. THANK YOU ALL!

Tabletop Memories and Some Milestones
about 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 06:36:05 PM

Memories of Yore

We did a bunch of interviews when we knew that we were going to take our tabletop game and turn it into a video game. So, we made a few videos of those interviews of our friends and fellow tabletop players talking about their favorite enemies and favorite moments. Watch them here!

Favorite Enemies

Favorite Moments

One Week Left

We have one week left to get our Kickstarter funded. We appreciate everyone who has backed us and are very close to 200 backers! We got over our 40% milestone as well, so there is still hope! Make sure you tell everyone about the game and help us get it Kickstarted. Tell your friends, family, the mail carrier, or anyone else you know that would be interested in our tactical RPG! We'll keep pushing ourselves and will have some more characters to show and reveal during this next week, thank you all for your support!

Bonus Character Reveal and We're Close To Some Milestones
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 07:39:27 PM

Introducing Kamui Nagao

Kamui (pronounced CAW-moy) is one of Osmund Steele's oldest allies. Not many know of his time before he joined the Soldat Solari, but he was recruited by Osmund after the two had battled one another. Kamui thought that was the end for him, but Osmund chose to befriend him instead of slaying him. This changed the way that Kamui thought about his life and the decisions he had made, leading him to become a loyal member of the Soldat Solari. Kamui worked hard to become a trainer and recruiter for the Solat so that he might be able to repay the kindness that was shown to him. Kamui and Osmund have grown apart in recent years, but their mutual respect for each other will always be there. What part will Kamui play in Externus: Path of the Solari? You'll have to play to find out!

Kamui Concept with Mask
Kamui without the mask, with Soldat tattoo
Full Armor Kamui Concept Art

So Close To A Few Milestones

We're just under two weeks left for the campaign and we are so close to hitting a few milestones. We're almost at 200 backers and 40% to our goal. We are still pushing hard and we appreciate all your support so far. Please let others know about the campaign and why you're excited about it! We're excited to bring you into our world and we love hearing from you. Again, thank you all!  

Hear from our Studio Head and Programmer, Kent.
about 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 05:31:30 PM

Short and Sweet

Hey everyone, our latest update today is going to be a short and sweet update. We have an interview with our Studio Head and Programmer Kent on Externus: Path of the Solari and about his experience making games. (Apologies for some blurriness, the camera had some issues.)

Thank You All

We will again say THANK YOU to everyone who has backed us up in making this dream a reality. We're going to have more to show you soon! Remember, that we still need your help in getting the word out about our game. We also want to hear all your feedback so if you see things you like or don't like, please comment on it. Play the demo if you can! We want to have an open dialog with all of you. If you're more comfortable sending feedback directly to us, you can message us here on Kickstarter or email [email protected]